Sunday, October 29, 2006

My first ever Blog entry

Hi guys, My first blog entry,
First of all let me introduce myself. I'M Sanjeev S Chandran, 17, born to Satheesh K Chandran and Geetha G Nair, on, pardon me am not allowed to mention my birth date for security reasons. Whatever. Well, I have a sister by name Divya, studying in the 7th standard in Bharathi Vidya Bhavan, Erode, Tamil Nadu. I myself am a pass out from the same school.
I'm now in college for that matter, doing my first year in Computer Science,in the College of Guindy, Anna University. Am in a hostel for the second time in my life, the first one being a memory worth forgetting (sharing a room with a guy who drinks and smokes while in school is not something you'd want to remember I suppose). The hostel life in the Univ is totally different though. No drunkards here for a start.
That's the first entry. Will keep you updated throughout the ???? (I don't know, life I guess). Bye dudes. Keep me posted as well.


Anonymous said...

You are not right. Write to me in PM.

Anonymous said...

It is a pity, that now I can not express - there is no free time. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think.